
Ruby on Rails Static Analysis Security Tool

Brakeman 4.7.2 Released

Some minor fixes for a minor release.

Changes since 4.7.1:

  • Add request.params as query parameters (#1398)
  • Handle more permit! cases (#1426)
  • Remove version guard for named_scope vs. scope
  • Find SQL injection in String#strip_heredoc target (#1433)
  • Ensure file name is set when processing models
  • Bundle ruby_parser version 3.14.1 (#1429)

More Query Parameters

request.params has been added as a query parameters method.


More permit!

More cases of permit! will be identified, particularly when it is the target of a method call.


More Scopes

Both named_scope and scope will be handled regardless of detected Rails version.


SQL Injection with strip_heredoc

strip_heredoc is now treated as returning a string. This fixes false positives if the target is a plain string and fixes false negatives if the target has interpolation.


Model File Names

In some cases, warnings were missing file names because the file name was not being passed to the model processor.

The file name will now be passed along, and there is a new test in the test suite for file names on warnings.



The SHA256 sums for this release are:

339d6f3707a2c0a32003536a231255b839a0b87bd6a7ebef3c82aedd1bdd3ac8  brakeman-4.7.2.gem
39ce3a5fe248dee8c78fe671441d2abbfec66cec923ee9f56c62018229d3c9b0  brakeman-lib-4.7.2.gem
efa07aa8476ef5553c91734093349a3ed55e2ef05b469d3dcecfdaabede37296  brakeman-min-4.7.2.gem

Reporting Issues

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs and contributed to this release!

Please report any issues with this release. Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Follow @brakeman on Twitter and hang out on Gitter for questions and discussion.