
Ruby on Rails Static Analysis Security Tool

Brakeman 1.9.4 Released

Another release forced out early due to Rails vulnerabilities reported today.

Changes since 1.9.3:

  • Add check for CVE-2013-1854
  • Add check for CVE-2013-1855
  • Add check for CVE-2013-1856
  • Add check for CVE-2013-1857
  • Fix --compare to work with older versions
  • Add “no-referrer” to HTML report links
  • Don’t warn when invoking send on user input
  • Slightly faster cloning of Sexps
  • Detect another way to add strong_parameters (#288)

Latest Reported Vulnerabilities

All CVE checks were included in these changes.

CVE-2013-1854 - Symbol Denial of Service

CVE-2013-1854 is the creation of symbols when a hash is passed as the value to an ActiveRecord finder method.

Brakeman will warn on this CVE if there are any models using ActiveRecord and the Rails version is vulnerable.

CVE-2013-1855 - sanitize_css

CVE-2013-1855 is a vulnerability in the sanitize_css method.

Brakeman will warn on this CVE for each use of sanitize_css if the Rails version is vulnerable. Calls obviously sanitizing user input will be high confidence, other calls will be medium confidence.

CVE-2013-1856 - JRuby XML Parser

CVE-2013-1856 is a vulnerability in the default XML parser used when running Rails on JRuby.

Brakeman will warn on this CVE if run with JRuby and the Rails version is vulnerable. It will not warn if the provided workaround (not patch) is used in an initializers.

CVE-2013-1857 - sanitize

CVE-2013-1857 is a vulnerability in the sanitize method which allows URLs to include JavaScript.

Brakeman will warn on this CVE for each use of sanitize if the Rails version is vulnerable. Calls obviously sanitizing user input will be high confidence, other calls will be medium confidence.

Fix JSON Compare

The 1.9.3 release introduced several new keys for warnings in the JSON output, which then broke --compare when used with output from an older version. Despite declaring this would not be fixed, it has been fixed. --compare reverts to old behavior if a report is from an older version.


All warning type links HTML reports now include the rel="no-referrer" option. This prevents referrer information from being passed along to the linked site (usually the Brakeman site), which means people won’t see that you are putting your Brakeman reports on the open internet…


Fewer Dangerous Send Warnings

Now that Brakeman warns on dangerous uses of constantize and friends, there is no reason to warn on uses of send, try, etc. with user input as a target. User input for the method name will continue to warn.

For example, this will no longer generate a warning:



Faster Sexp Cloning

Brakeman spends a lot of time cloning Sexps, so this version introduces a slightly faster custom method instead of Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(...)).


Another Strong Paramter Initializer

Brakeman now detects this approach to adding the strong_parameters functionality:

ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include,  ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection)


Report Issues

Please report any issues with this release! Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Also consider joining the mailing list or following @brakeman on Twitter.


This unexpected release means the roadmap has shifted again. The roadmap still has one more release (1.9.5) planned before 2.0. The next release will likely only include bug and false positive fixes. Again, Brakeman 2.0 will definitely include breaking changes, especially for JSON reports.