
Ruby on Rails Static Analysis Security Tool

Brakeman 0.8.4 Released


  • Option for separate attr_accessible warnings
  • Option to set CSS file for HTML output
  • Add file names for version-specific warnings
  • Add line number for default routes in a controller
  • Fix hash_insert()
  • Remove use of Queue from threaded checks

Separate attr_accessible Warnings

The current default is to roll all controllers lacking attr_accessible into a single warning. This is convenient when manually looking at HTML or text output, but for Jenkins/Hudson it is better to have each be a separate warning. That way it is easier to track new and fixed warnings.

To turn on this behavior, use --separate-models.

Custom CSS for HTML Output

Use the --css-file option to set a custom CSS file for styling HTML output. This file is copied directly into the report.

File Names for Version-Specific Warnings

Previously, there would be no file name associated with warnings about certain versions of Rails. This caused the warnings to not show up in the Jenkins/Hudson plugin. Now either Gemfile or config/environment.rb will be used as the file name for warnings based on the detected Rails version.

Line Number for Default Routes

When default routes were detected for specific controllers, there will now be a line number (from routes.rb) associated with the warning.

hash_insert() Fixed

hash_insert was broken and would cause some spurious warnings. For example, sometimes only_path => true would be set in params, but Brakeman would mess up the params hash and a redirect warning would still be created.

Threaded Checks No Longer Use Queue

When using threaded checks, the resulting warnings were stored in a thread-safe Queue. This has been removed, and the resulting value from each thread will be used instead. This should avoid some (small) locking overhead and is just simpler.

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