
Ruby on Rails Static Analysis Security Tool

Brakeman 6.1.2 Released

Finally, just a small release!

Changes since 6.1.1:

  • Avoid detecting Phlex components as dynamic render paths (Máximo Mussini)
  • Avoid detecting ViewComponentContrib::Base as dynamic render paths (vividmuimui)
  • Avoid copying Sexps that are too large (#1818, #1546)
  • Add EOL date for Ruby 3.3.0
  • Remove deprecated use of Kernel#open("|...")
  • Remove safe_yaml gem dependency
  • Update Highline to 3.0 (#1812)

Components in Render Paths

Thanks to Máximo Mussini and vividmuimui, there will be fewer false positives warning about dynamic render paths when using components.



Performance Improvement with Complex Branching

Brakeman has a very hard time with code like

x = thing
x = foo(x)

if x
    x = bar(x)
    x = baz(x)

x = do_thing(x)

# etc.

Because to Brakeman it looks like

x = thing
x = foo(thing)

if foo(thing)
    x = bar(foo(thing))
    x = baz(foo(thing))

x = do_thing(bar(foo(thing)) || baz(foo(thing)))

This can quickly snowball into gigantic chunks of code, causing Brakeman to use lots of memory and essentially freeze up.

In the past, limits on how many times a value is “branched” have helped with this (and is configurable with --branch-limit). However, it is not sufficient.

Now Brakeman has a limit on how large these chunks of code can get. This has improved performance without any noticable impact on true positives.



The SHA256 sums for this release are:

7716769c18f2c4a52d7a74d2cb5a614be0c46d8aad3fbe7ca089dbb7c98bd4d3  brakeman-6.1.2.gem
38939998eb695b82932c207ef766356bc21e57199e18c4d8f000a005d294e587  brakeman-lib-6.1.2.gem
dbc2f9a3b61760c03737cf701f5a1dfe634fb14e8388968e056a0f77effab018  brakeman-min-6.1.2.gem

Reporting Issues

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs and contributed to this release!

Please report any issues with this release. Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Hang out on Github for questions and discussion.

Brakeman 6.1.0 Released

It’s been a while!

Changes since 6.0.1:

  • Add check for unfiltered search with Ransack
  • Add --timing to add timing duration for scan steps
  • Add PG::Connection.escape_string as a SQL sanitization method (Joévin Soulenq)
  • Handle class << self
  • Fix class method lookup in parent classes
  • Fix keyword splats in filter arguments

Ransack Searches

Ransack is a popular library for enabling search against ActiveRecord attributes.

It was originally intended for administrative interfaces (like those provided by ActiveAdmin).

Use usually looks like


And a url might look like[make_start]=vol

This might generate a query like

SELECT make FROM cars WHERE make LIKE 'vol%';

The library does clever things with the query parameter key. In this case, make is the column and start means match values that start with the search term passed in.

However, it’s also possible to specify columns on related tables, such as[owner_name_start]=just

Which would search the name column on the owners table (assuming Car has an association to Owner).

Prior to Ransack 4.0, the default configuration allowed searching all columns on a table as well as all columns on associated tables.

Some folks figured out this can be used to extract secret values by brute-forcing the value one character at a time.

To fix this issue, explicitly allow list the attributes and associations available to search.

In Ransack 4.0 and later, it is required to set up an allowlist.

Brakeman will warn about unrestricted use of ransack:

  • High if no allow-listing methods are found in the class hierarchy of the model on which ransack is called
  • Medium if the use happens to be in a file with admin in the path
  • Low if the call to ransack is not on a class


Timing Output

Use --timing to output duration of various steps during the scan.

Useful for debugging slowness.


Another SQL Escaping Method

Brakeman will not warn about use of escape_string in SQL queries.


Class Methods

Brakeman will now treat methods defined inside of class << self as class methods.

This does mean fingerprints of warnings found inside those methods will change.


Class Method Lookups

Searching for class method definitions in parent classes will now actually look for class methods, not instance methods.


Keyword Splats in Filters

Code like

before_action(**kwargs) do
  # ...

Will no longer cause an error.



The SHA256 sums for this release are:

0d4066936dd58f0fe757d0ff1ec0744479be9ff06c771be4b581bdf0cb8d7403  brakeman-6.1.0.gem
e7c9e739a43ec719d981e9b401b980c11cbe81a333ccb166965b9264ef413cc8  brakeman-lib-6.1.0.gem
709813eff010c9605dc09b9fcbe60742dd3b9e757ec7131808988a14b83eee23  brakeman-min-6.1.0.gem

Reporting Issues

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs and contributed to this release!

Please report any issues with this release. Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Hang out on Github for questions and discussion.

Brakeman 6.0.1 Released

Very tiny release this time!

Changes since 6.0.0:

  • Accept strings for load_defaults version (#1784)
  • Bundle latest ruby_parser

Strings for load_defaults

While the default for Rails generators and documentation is to use floats for versions, e.g. load_defaults 6.1, internally it uses strings. It appears quite a few apps also use strings.

Now Brakeman supports and uses strings.


Latest RubyParser

Bundled with ruby_parser 3.20.3, which includes additional support for Ruby 3.2 syntax.


The SHA256 sums for this release are:

39641c63bc247bbdf993a349de90a13e146c464c872191f2adc12555bde591be  brakeman-6.0.1.gem
e029fbd43c97bbb9c084fa4f0e13ee259bf193b79d66ba7ef94fa9496bab62cd  brakeman-lib-6.0.1.gem
ef2ff1234ba2a9e7216a0a047b9df0def8c3b8d162d29853c907238901353a54  brakeman-min-6.0.1.gem

Reporting Issues

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs and contributed to this release!

Please report any issues with this release. Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Follow @brakeman on Twitter and hang out on Github for questions and discussion.

Brakeman 6.0.0 Released

Brakeman 6.0 drops parsing support for Ruby 1.8/1.9, and raises the minimum Ruby version to run Brakeman to 3.0.

Changes since 5.4.1:

  • Drop support for Ruby 1.8/1.9 syntax
  • Raise minimum Ruby version to 3.0
  • Add obsolete fingerprints to comparison report (#1758)
  • Warn about missing CSRF protection when defaults are not loaded (Chris Kruger)
  • Fix false positive with content_tag in newer Rails (#1778)
  • Scan directories that include the word public
  • Fix end-of-life dates for Ruby

Ruby Parsing Version Support

This version of Brakeman no longer supports parsing Ruby 1.8/1.9 syntax.

ruby_parser, the gem Brakeman depends on for parsing Ruby, dropped support quite a while ago. Brakeman was depending on the ruby_parser-legacy gem for these older versions. But since it has been eight years since Ruby 1.9 has been unmaintained… it is time to let go.


Minimum Ruby Version

The minimum Ruby version to run Brakeman is now 3.0.0.

Official support for the 2.x line of Ruby has ended, so it is a good time to bump up the minimum requirement and adopt more modern language features.


Missing CSRF Protection Warning

Since Rails 5.2.0, new applications have had cross-site request forgery protection enabled. Brakeman assumed the protection was enabled based on the Rails version. However, this was incorrect.

Now Brakeman correctly handles the default configuration values.


Content Tag Attributes

Brakeman will no longer warn about user input in content_tag attribute names in Rails 6.1.6+


Obsolete Warnings in Comparison Report

When using the --compare option, the output JSON will now include an obsolete key with an array of fingerprints.

These fingerprints are warnings that are configured to be ignored, but no longer exist.

Note that the report will include all fingerprints in the ignore configuration that are not in the current report, even if they were already obsolete.

This report format matches the --json output.

The report will resemble:

  "new": [ ... ],
  "fixed": [ ... ],
  "obsolete": [


Scan ‘public’ Directories

In the old days, Brakeman tried to scan only the “standard” Rails directories, mostly within /app/. With the 5.0 release, Brakeman was revised to make very few assumptions about what kinds of files live where, instead making decisions based on the content of files rather than their location.

However, there was a lingering exception. Brakeman would ignore any directories that included /public/.

This exception has been removed.


EOL Dates for Ruby

Fixed end-of-life date for Ruby 3.0 and added expected dates for 3.1 and 3.2.



The SHA256 sums for this release are:

6ff908e5bfca4651d909a31f3d3ae5846e33732284860a23aff454761c4145d0  brakeman-6.0.0.gem
9a5e68e34c1cffe73b51952937ed2b4f427afd5d11d4a1c10c61e971253ba505  brakeman-lib-6.0.0.gem
db1d8e2118af4b4701fbe49bf1177ac5c89a6a956ca037fdc0e62eb062e2dbb9  brakeman-min-6.0.0.gem

Reporting Issues

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs and contributed to this release!

Please report any issues with this release. Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Follow @brakeman on Twitter and hang out on Github for questions and discussion.

Brakeman 5.4.1 Released

Several changes in this release are updates to Brakeman’s open redirect check.

Changes since 5.4.0:

  • Add Rails 6.1 and 7.0 default configuration values
  • Support Rails 7 redirect options
  • Add redirect_back and redirect_back_or_to to open redirect check
  • Revise checking for request.env to only consider request headers
  • Prevent redirects using url_from being marked as unsafe (Lachlan Sylvester)
  • Warn about unscoped find for find_by(id: ...)
  • Support presence, presence_in and in? (#1569)
  • Fix issue with if expressions in when clauses (#1743)
  • Fix file/line location for EOL software warnings

Rails 6.1 and Rails 7.0 Defaults

The default configuration values for Rails 6.1 and Rails 7.0 have been added to Brakeman.


Open Redirect Updates

Rails 7 introduced a new protection against open directs.

If config.action_controller.raise_on_open_redirects is set to true, then Rails prevents redirects that redirect to a different domain than This protection can be bypassed by passing in allow_other_host: true to redirect_to.


Lachlan Sylvester pointed out it’s also possible to use url_from to ensure a URL is for the same host. So redirect_to(url_from(params[:url])) is safe.


This release also expands the open redirect check to redirect_back and redirect_back_or_to which have options for a fallback URL.


More Unscoped Finds

Brakeman will now warn about use of find_by(id: ...) the same way it would warn about find_by_id for “unscoped finds” (i.e., possible insecure direct object references).


Presence Method Support

Brakeman now handles presence, presence_in, and in? methods.

Since presence_in and in? are often used for guard clauses, this fixes some false positives.


File/Line for End-Of-Life Warnings

March is nearly here, which means support for Ruby 2.7 is ending!

Thanks to Jon Burns for pointing out Brakeman was reporting the wrong file and/or line number for EOL Ruby warnings.



The SHA256 sums for this release are:

dc664d4b5d01dd81608db02ec9b7c383beb65a3169049df2939c4bbbd4edfb73  brakeman-5.4.1.gem
c1bf7e4cec5bde1d53122b41743343d3e38e4aa30145707b902278dd3b588fd4  brakeman-lib-5.4.1.gem
94d24f3ea881bfc213ead8fbf3568aa37b301272ccbecf383394c9d7d7f43eeb  brakeman-min-5.4.1.gem

Reporting Issues

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs and contributed to this release!

Please report any issues with this release. Take a look at this guide to reporting Brakeman problems.

Follow @brakeman on Twitter and hang out on Github for questions and discussion.