
Ruby on Rails Static Analysis Security Tool

Running Brakeman with Jenkins

Collecting and managing Brakeman results in Jenkins is supported by the Warnings Next Generation Plugin.

Brakeman results in Jenkins

Installing the Plugin

In the Jenkins Plugin Manager, install the “Warnings Next Generation Plugin”.

Warnings Next Generation Plugin

Running Brakeman in Jenkins

The plugin itself does not run any tools, it just collects the results.

There are many ways to run Brakeman in Jenkins, depending on the setup on your application and the Jenkins workers.

One method is to invoke Brakeman as part of an “Execute shell” build step:

Add build step

Execute shell

Here is a sample build command if RVM is available on the worker:

bash -l -c '
rvm install 3.0.0 && \
rvm use 3.0.0@brakeman --create && \
gem install brakeman && \
brakeman --no-progress --no-pager --no-exit-on-warn -o brakeman-output.json

Explanation of Brakeman options:

  • --no-progress avoids ugly Processing... output in Jenkins logs
  • --no-pager avoids invoking less to display report
  • --no-exit-on-warn tells Brakeman to return a 0 exit code even if warnings are found
  • -o brakeman-output.json sets the report file and format

Collecting Results

To configure the plugin, click “Add post-build action” and select “Record compiler warnings and static analysis results”.

Post-build action

Then select “Brakeman” as the tool.

Select Brakeman

The default options will check for files named brakeman-output.json and collect the results.

There is no need to set any other configuration options right now. By default, the plugin will collect and display results but will not affect the status of the build.

Click the “Advanced…” button to check out the many options for configuring how Brakeman results affect build status.

Viewing Results

After the next build, Brakeman results should appear in the build status.

Brakeman Warnings Status

On subsequent builds, the plugin will show if there are new and/or fixed warnings in that build.

Brakeman New Warnings

The plugin can show warnings broken down by folder, file, category, type, or just a list of issues.

Warnings Overview

The overview will show a breakdown of warnings by severity or status (fixed/new/existing). Note that the plugin maps “medium” findings to “normal” and “weak” findings to “low”.

Warnings can also be viewed inline with code:

Inline Warnings

More Information

See the documentation for the Warnings Next Generation Plugin.

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